Monday, September 23, 2013

Prairie 'Merica

Prairie is a new-ish brewery out of Krebs, Oklahoma with a rapidly growing reputation for unique, quality brews. Their specialty seems to be saisons of the hoppy/funky/winy variety, but they also delve in other styles - (notably the highly-rated imperial stout 'BOMB!'). 'Merica, however, certainly falls into the former category. The label describes it as an American Farmhouse Ale that is 7.5% alcohol. It gets the job done using one malt (floor-malted pilsner), one hop variety (Nelson Sauvin), 2 brett strains and wine yeast. One malt, one hop, one 'Merica!

(They have cool labels as well.)

This beer is extra hazy and the head is luxurious. Upon even the tiniest first sniff, you know you're not about to drink a run-of-the-mill saison. Those looking for a traditional or well-balanced version of the style may be disappointed - it is a Nelson Sauvin/brett takeover, plain and simple. All sorts of oddball foot funk, dank tropical fruit, and just for good measure, some cat pee as well. The taste ups the hoppage and accompanying crazy flavors of lime, peach, grapefruit, kiwi, and some earthy weed tones. The brett still comes on strong bringing a sharp lemony tartness, funk and hay. Some wine and bready malts come through as well. Great mouthfeel with just the right amount of foaminess and not much of an alcohol presence, although its pungent nature does make this a sipper.

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