The first time I had Founders Breakfast Stout was at Smith's Billiards, Springfield MA, fall 2009. I was at the very beginning of my craft beer intrigue but it had already caught my eye on a few occasions while exploring BeerAdvocate: it was (still is) a top-rated imperial stout, the amusing (iconic) label, the fact that it was called Breakfast Stout. Aside from being excited to try this sought after wonder brew, I also knew it as a somewhat limited seasonal release, so I was also grateful to just have stumbled upon it.
The bartender poured my cousin and I each a sample from the tap. Black and viscous, brown head, we took our sips. "This tastes like espresso!", my cousin proclaimed as I was finishing. I stared into my empty glass for a moment, then off into the distance. "Yes, it does", I responded. "Yes, it does."
The label describes it as a 'double chocolate coffee oatmeal stout' - it is indeed brewed with flaked oats, bitter and sweetened imported chocolates, and of course, Sumatra and Kona coffee. It sounds like a mouthful (literally), but they really do make it all come through wonderfully in the nose and the taste, with coffee getting the slight upper hand over it all. There are touches of molasses and smokiness throughout, along with some grassy hop bitterness. An overall superb balance of long-lingering flavors. The mouthfeel is silky smooth and well-carbonated, showing just a bit of alcohol warmth from its 8.3% ABV.
From that fateful day on, Founders Breakfast Stout had set a high bar for my first coffee stout. Few of the probably hundred different ones I've tried have lived up to this one, specifically in the areas of balance, pure-fresh-coffee-goodness, consistency and drinkability. Classic fall beer, classic imperial coffee stout, and for some, even a classic breakfast beer.